From Brakes to GPS to Telematics: The Evolution of Modern Internal Audit

In the rapidly evolving landscape of risk management, the role of internal audit is shifting from merely being the "brakes" or a "navigation system" within an organization to something far more dynamic and nuanced. Drawing on the technology of telematics systems, which blend telecommunications and informatics to guide insurance risk assessment, this article explores how internal audit can similarly offer data-driven insights without intruding on managerial autonomy. As we venture into this new era, internal audit's role isn't just about guiding or stopping; it's about gathering, analyzing, and integrating data to inform risk management.

John A. Wheeler

John A. Wheeler is the founder and CEO of Wheelhouse Advisors, a global risk management strategy and technology advisory firm. With over three decades of experience in various roles spanning executive management, finance, risk management, audit, and IT, John is a world-renowned expert and advisor in integrated risk management technology, executive leadership, and corporate governance.
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