CIRCIA’s New Rules on Critical Infrastructure: Incorporating IRM to Manage a $2.6 Billion Economic Impact

As the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) ushers in the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (CIRCIA), an estimated 316,244 organizations within vital sectors stand at the cusp of significant regulatory shifts. Amidst this landscape, the strategic incorporation of Integrated Risk Management (IRM) becomes crucial not just for compliance but for bolstering cyber defenses in the face of a projected $2.6 billion economic impact over the next decade.

John A. Wheeler

John A. Wheeler is the founder and CEO of Wheelhouse Advisors, a global risk management strategy and technology advisory firm. With over three decades of experience in various roles spanning executive management, finance, risk management, audit, and IT, John is a world-renowned expert and advisor in integrated risk management technology, executive leadership, and corporate governance.
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